JOIN Elimination in Microsoft SQL Server is an optimization technique with foreign key constraints where the query engine removes redundant JOIN operations during query execution. This occurs when the data from the joined table is not used in the SELECT clause or any other part of the query, making the JOIN unnecessary. By eliminating such JOINs, the optimizer reduces query complexity and improves performance without altering the query’s results.

JOIN Elimination – a practical example

The Marketing Department of a company needs an interface that allows employees to carry out analyses of the number of orders for customers, nations and/or regions. To do this, the development department created a view with all relevant tables. The view is based on the following table structure / foreign key relationship.

The figure shows the foreign key relationships between the tables. There is a 1:n relationship between dbo.regions and dbo.nations. Another 1:n relationship exists between dbo.nations and dbo.customers, which ultimately ends in a 1:n relationship with dbo.orders.
foreign key relationship between the relations
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW dbo.marketing_analysis
	SELECT	r.r_name		AS	region_name,
			n.n_name		AS	nation_name,
			c.c_name		AS	customer_name,
			o.o_orderkey	AS	order_number,
			o.o_orderdate	AS	order_date
	FROM	dbo.regions AS r
			INNER JOIN dbo.nations AS n
			ON (r.r_regionkey = n.n_regionkey)
			INNER JOIN dbo.customers AS c
			ON (n.n_nationkey = c.c_nationkey)
			INNER JOIN dbo.orders AS o
			ON (c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey);

The view contains all relevant relations and presents attributes of the different relations.

JOIN Elimination in Practice

/* Count all orders for all regions */
SELECT	region_name,
FROM	dbo.marketing_analysis
The figure shows a query plan that uses all tables addressed in the view.

SQL Server must address all tables because a query over the dbo.region for the orders is only possible via the tables dbo.nations and dbo.customers.

/* Count all orders by nations */
SELECT	nation_name,
FROM	dbo.marketing_analysis
The figure shows the execution plan for aggregation by nation name. Since dbo.regions is no longer required, SQL Server no longer accesses the table.
JOIN Eliminiation of dbo.regions

JOIN elimination can now take effect because SQL Server has recognized that the dbo.regions table is no longer required to determine the data.

/* Count all orders by customer_name */
SELECT	customer_name,
FROM	dbo.marketing_analysis
WHERE	customer_name = 'Customer#000121993'
JOIN Eliminiation of dbo.nations

The goal is to exclude tables when executing the query because their data is not relevant for executing the query.

When JOIN Elimination fails

For JOIN elimination to be successful, TRUSTED foreign key relationships must exist between the relations. Tables can only be ignored if SQL Server can be sure that there are no data anomalies!

Untrusted Foreign Key and JOIN Elimination

As soon as a foreign key is no longer trustworthy, SQL Server can no longer avoid checking the data of a table in a JOIN. Especially during loading processes, a foreign key is often deactivated during the loading process, only to be activated again afterwards.

/* Disable the foreign key between dbo.regions and dbo.nations */
ALTER TABLE dbo.nations
NOCHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_dbo.nations_n_regionkey_dbo.regions_r_regionkey]

/* Count all orders by customer_name */
SELECT	customer_name,
FROM	dbo.marketing_analysis
WHERE	customer_name = 'Customer#000121993'

/* Enable the foreign key between dbo.regions and dbo.nations */
ALTER TABLE dbo.nations
WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_dbo.nations_n_regionkey_dbo.regions_r_regionkey]
The figure shows that with an Untrusted Foreign Key, JOIN elimination is no longer performed.
JOIN Eliminiation does not work with untrusted Foreign Key Constraints

NULLable foreign key and JOIN Elimination

It seems counterintuitive that an attribute for storing a foreign key can be NULLable. But just because it seems counterintuitive doesn’t mean it won’t work. For the example above, the attribute for storing the foreign key n_regionkey in the table dbo.nations will be NULLable

/* Make the foreign key attribute NULLable */
ALTER TABLE dbo.nations
The figure shows access to all tables because the n_regionkey attribute in the dbo.nations table is NULLable.
NULLable attribute disables trusted foreign key constraints

Thank you very much for reading!